
19 Sept 2010

Thurs 28th Oct: Faith and the Environment (London)

I find Transition initiatives an exciting community-led idea, and have on occasion witnessed individuals tirelessly working to complete inspiring projects that have rippled to empower the local community. There is much to be said in today's world, about people owning their power by organising together. It takes passion, patience, the ability to work authentically in groups, and with inner work can be used as a vehicle for spiritual growth. 

This public seminar in Kingston, is organised by Kingston interfaith Forum along with the local Transition initiative and Kingston Council. An area that some Transition initiatives are looking more closely at is that of diversity. I'm honoured to have been invited to speak at this collaborative event, and look forward to meeting and engaging with fellow speakers, workshop leaders and participants.

Date:  Thursday 28 October 2010
Time:  6pm-8.30pm 
Venue: Guildhall Council Chamber, Kingston, KT1 1EU; Map & Directions 

A free public seminar organised by Kingston Inter Faith Forum in partnership with Transition Town Kingston and the Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames

REGISTER YOUR PLACE: This event is open to all who reserve a place with Jean Cousens tel. 020 8547 5023 email: by 8th October 2010.
Refreshments provided. 

‘Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.’ (Margaret Meades) 

Dr Muzammal Hussain, Founder of ‘Wisdom in Nature’, on: Engaged Spirituality and Diversity in an Age of Transition: with an Islamic Perspective.
Dr Laurie Michaelis, Co-ordinator of Living Witness: Quakers for Sustainability.
Chaired by the Leader of the Council, Councillor Derek Osbourn

Click here for more info

1 Sept 2010

Can You Help Us? Financial APPEAL for Print Copies of Islam & Climate Photo-booklet

Whilst we have finally launched the online version of our popular colour booklet, Islam & Climate Change ~ A Call to Heal, (downloadable for free), we still haven't yet had our first batch of copies printed. The reason is simple: Finances. As a grassroots organisation we need money from people like You to be able to do this.

To get the first batch printed (we are going for recycled paper, using a printing company with
a strong ethical stance) we need at least an additional £800 for one-thousand copies of the 20-page colour booklet. We ask if you would be willing to help us reach this amount so we can have copies available as soon as possible. They would be distributed for free with donations suggested (which will help cover the next batch and so on! - this would make it sustainable in the longer run!)

Our bank account details are on our donate page

If you have any questions please contact us, or feel free to use the comments tag at the bottom of this blog post.

With thanks from the Wisdom In Nature team for any financial help you can give us.